"I have held many things in my hands, and have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess." Martin Luther
"And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful." Colossians 3:15 (NLT)
I love the way the NLT phrases Colossians 3:15 - the peace that comes from Christ. We were reminded that we cannot conjure up peace on our own - it doesn't not come from us. We tend to be so reliant on situations and circumstances to provide peace. But that kind of peace is temporary and eventually bursts like the soap bubbles that children love to pop. We can let the peace that comes from Christ rule in us. Whatever rules us controls us. We can be ruled by circumstances or ruled by the peace that comes from Christ. I need that kind of peace.
Praise God for a peace that trustworthy and solid - different than what the world offers.
Pray that God would show you areas of your life where you are lacking His peace and ask Him to give it - the peace that passes all understanding!
Pray that the Holy Spirit will bring peace to families during times of stress and crisis.
Pray that God would make CEC known as a place of peace - that people would feel acceptance and peace as they walk through our doors.
Pray that God would show you specifics ways to bless others in your sphere of influence with the peace of Christ.
Let's look with expectation for answers that God provides in these final days of 2019!
Pastor Karen