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Finish 2019 with 40 days of prayer! Day 33

Writer: CEC Devotions TeamCEC Devotions Team

"Prayer is a surge of the heart, it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy." - St. Therese of Lisieux


We love because he first loved us. ~ 1 John 4:19

Pastor Ryan mentioned on Sunday that perhaps the night of Jesus birth was not so peaceful as we might think. But for women - after the baby is born - there is often a quiet moment in the middle of the night where all have gone. The baby needs to be fed or held as sleep returns. These are the holy, peaceful moments - where there is time to marvel, to ponder, to wonder at who this baby will be. Mary did know - her son was the Savior of the world - sent for you and for me.

  • Praise God for the gift of His son to redeem us.

  • Praise God for other gifts that He has given to you in your life.

  • Pray that the Holy Spirit would soften the hearts of those in your life who don't yet know Jesus and make them receptive to him.

  • Pray that God give you boldness to share about your own relationship with Jesus with your family, co-workers & neighbors.

  • Pray that God would grant discernment in decision making in all areas of ministry @ CEC.

Let's look with expectation for answers that God provides in these final days of 2019!  

Pastor Karen



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