"Prayer is a surge of the heart, it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy." - St. Therese of Lisieux
We love because he first loved us. ~ 1 John 4:19
Pastor Ryan mentioned on Sunday that perhaps the night of Jesus birth was not so peaceful as we might think. But for women - after the baby is born - there is often a quiet moment in the middle of the night where all have gone. The baby needs to be fed or held as sleep returns. These are the holy, peaceful moments - where there is time to marvel, to ponder, to wonder at who this baby will be. Mary did know - her son was the Savior of the world - sent for you and for me.
Praise God for the gift of His son to redeem us.
Praise God for other gifts that He has given to you in your life.
Pray that the Holy Spirit would soften the hearts of those in your life who don't yet know Jesus and make them receptive to him.
Pray that God give you boldness to share about your own relationship with Jesus with your family, co-workers & neighbors.
Pray that God would grant discernment in decision making in all areas of ministry @ CEC.
Let's look with expectation for answers that God provides in these final days of 2019!
Pastor Karen